Glimmer Moment. a.k.a Happiness

This is the ultimate aim of every organization.

This is known to happen when your company has High Productivity, Reduced Attrition, Higher
Profits and a Talented Workforce, who is motivated to view your companies success as thier

This often seems hard to acheive as companies never focus on thier most important resource,
The Human Resource.

We act as an arm to your company/HR department and streamline your Human Resources
to get the best out of them. We handle it from consulting to implementation, so that you
dont need to worry about it. This way, you can focus more on other aspects of your business
and let us do what we do best.

why do you need our services?

Performance Management

Create a cult of loyalists

What you cannot measure you cannot improve. If you cannot improve you cannot grow. Great form of continious feedback and 360 Degree conversations.

Culture Setting

Create a cult of loyalists

It defines what kind of people work in your organization
Tells the market the kind of business you want to do
Attracts talent
Engages employees
Reduces Retenttion

Job Analysis

Simplify work

Job Analysis can be used in various processes like recruitment, performance appraisals, L&D
Helps in formulation of skill set and behavior set requirements per role
Enables pay and grading systems to be structured fairly and logically

Learning & Development

Hire for attitude, train for skills

Helps in increasing the performance level of an employee
Acts as a retention measure
More learned the employee, better the work, higher the productivity

Rewards & Recognisition

An act of boosting ego

Employees become more engaged, happy & loyal
Creates positive motivation
Employees feel valued and cared for

Succession & High Potention Planning

Create Leaders

Helps develop skills and competencies of employees
Helps the organization to fill important positions from inside the organisation
Acts as a retention measure

HR Policies

Know before you say No

Communicate values and expectations for how things are done at your organization
Document and implement best practices appropriate to the organization
Support consistent treatment of staff, fairness and transparency
Help management to make decisions that are consistent, uniform and predictable
Protect individuals and the organization from the pressures of expediency

Soft Skills

Develop people

Creating Leaders is what will make your company grow
Good skills make your employees “client magnets”
Clarity of communication
Coaching and mentoring

 Recruiment Process

 Simplify work

 Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.
 Expert talent from around the country
 to lower costs and increase productivity
Competency Management

Develop skills – Mind the gap

Helps the company in utilizing 1 employee to do multiple roles
Helps in developing skills and talents within the organization
Helps in self development of the employee
Serves as a retention tool for the company

Employee Engagement

Engage & Connect

Increasing and creating level of commitment , enthusiasm and involvement in work
Increases productivity

Immerse everyone in your cult

First impression = last impression
Makes new joiner identify with the company